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  2. 劉珈彤Liu Jiatong當虹科技銷售總監Sales Director

    從事安防事業15年,曾就職于世界500強企業,目前就職于杭州當虹科技任銷售總監,參與過多項雪亮工程等國家級項目,以及平安城市、智慧城市建設等省級項目。 She has been engaged in the security industry for 15 years and has worked for Fortune 500 companies, and currently works at Arcvideo Technology as the sales director. She has participated in a number of national projects such as the Xueliang Project, as well as provincial projects such as safe city and smart city construction.


    10 times perceptual compression - Assisting massive video informative net constructing


    She has been engaged in the security industry for 15 years and has worked for Fortune 500 companies, and currently works at Arcvideo Technology as the sales director. She has participated in a number of national projects such as the Xueliang Project, as well as provincial projects such as safe city and smart city construction.

    隨著視頻應用的全面普及,除了在傳統公安、地鐵、交通,也在環保、煤礦、船舶、農業等領域有了進一步的拓展, 在視頻高清化、留存長期化、運營精細化這3大趨勢下, 存儲和帶寬面臨著巨大的壓力。當虹科技利用感知壓縮技術降低傳輸帶寬以及存儲空間,為客戶節省更多成本。

    With the comprehensive popularization of video applications, in addition to traditional public security, railway, and transportation, it has also been further expanded in the fields of environmental protection, coal mines, ships, agriculture, etc., with the three major trends of high-definition video, long-term retention, and refined operations, under the current situation, storage and bandwidth are facing huge pressure, which means huge investment. Arcvideo use perceptual compression technology to reduce transmission bandwidth and stroage space, saving costs for our customers.

    ? ? 杭州當虹科技股份有限公司(簡稱“當虹科技”,股票代碼688039),是一家定位于大視頻領域,主要面向傳媒文化、泛安全、智能網聯汽車等方向,提供智能視頻解決方案與視頻云服務的高科技企業,于2019年12月在科創板上市。

    ? ? ? ?在泛安全方向,當虹科技是國內極少數同時具備“視頻編碼”與“智能AI識別” 雙引擎技術的企業,可在視頻質量基本不變前提下,最大減少90%的傳輸成本和存儲成本。以邊緣智能計算、視頻聯網、AI解析、大數據分析為基礎,致力于海量監控視頻的“視頻+AI+大數據”的場景化深度應用,有效助力金融、能源、交通、應急、教育、公安、政府等泛安全行業客戶。

    ? ? ?Hangzhou Arcvideo Technology Co., Ltd. (Arcvideo with stock code 688039) is a Chinese high-tech company specializing in smart and secure video solutions and video cloud services for media platforms. The company was listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board of Shanghai Stock Exchange in December 2019.

    ? ? ? ?Arcvideo is one of the few companies in China with video encoding and smart AI recognition dual technologies, cutting transmission and storage costs of up to 90% while maintaining video quality. Focusing on edge computing, video networking, AI and big data analysis, the company is committed to the use of "video + AI + big data" for surveillance videos, assisting users in social governance, finance, energy and rail transit.






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