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Vice President
引領AI 視覺新時代,智繪美好新生活
Theme of the speech:
Leading a new era of AI vision
視覺、嗅覺、聽覺、味覺、觸覺統稱為人類的“五感”, 人們獲取信息中有83% 來自視覺, 視覺是人類感知的主要信息來源, 而數字世界同樣依靠于視覺信息提供物理世界的虛實映射和實時交互, 紫光華智專注于AI、云計算、大數據等技術的融合創新, 構建物理世界向數字世界映射的數據橋梁,引領AI 視覺新時代,智繪美好新生活。
Leading a new era of AI vision
Vision, smell, hearing, taste and touch are collectively referred to as the "five senses" of human beings. 83% of people's access to information comes from vision. Vision is the main source of information for human perception. The digital world also relies on visual information to provide virtual real mapping
and real-time interaction of the physical world. Ziguang Huazhi focuses on the integration and innovation of AI, cloud computing, big data and other technologies, Build a data bridge mapping the physical world to the digital world, lead a new era of AI vision and intelligently draw a better new life.
紫光華智成立于2018 年5 月,是紫光集團核心企業。作為領先的AI 視覺產品和解決方案提供商,紫光華智專注于AI 技術在視覺領域的融合創新與應用,致力于守護公共安全,服務智慧城市建設,助推百行百業智慧化轉型,加速AI 普惠化進程。
Established in May 2018, Unisingsight is the core enterprise of Ziguang group. As a leading provider of AI visual products and solutions, Ziguang Huazhi focuses on the integration, innovation and application of AI technology in the visual field, is committed to protecting public safety, serving the construction of smart city, promoting the intelligent transformation of hundreds of lines and industries, and accelerating the process of AI inclusive. Tsinghua unisgruop
紫光華智成立于 2018 年 5 月,是紫光集團核心企業。作為領先的 AI 視覺產品和解決方案提供商,紫光華智專注于 AI 技術在視覺
領域的融合創新與應用,致力于守護公共安全,服務智慧城市建設,助推百行百業智慧化轉型,加速 AI 普惠化進程。
Established in May 2018, Unisingsight is the core enterprise of Ziguang group. As a leading provider of AI visual products
and solutions, Ziguang Huazhi focuses on the integration, innovation and application of AI technology in the visual field, is
committed to protecting public safety, serving the construction of smart city, promoting the intelligent transformation of
hundreds of lines and industries, and accelerating the process of AI inclusive. Tsinghua unisgruop
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