????【安防論壇 cpsforum.com】?
Nan Wang
Secretary-General of China?Security Products Industry?Association
Theme of the speech:
The Interpretation of "The 14th Five-Year Plan for Development of Security and Protection Industry in China"
《中國安防行業“十四五”發展規劃》編制,主要是貫徹落實《中華人民共和國國民經濟和社會發展第十四個五年規劃和2035 年遠景目標綱要》的精神及要求,闡明行業管理部門及有關組織的戰略意圖,明確工作方向及重點任務,引導規范市場主體行為,描繪未來安防行業發展的宏偉藍圖,是引領全行業發展的綱領性文件。
speech content:
The draft of "The 14th Five-Year Plan for Development of Security and Protection Industry in China",which is a document mainly to implement spirit and requirements of "the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of China" and "the Outline of Long-term Objectives for 2035".
It definites strategic purpose of security industry management and relevant organizations, clarifies work direction and key tasks, and to guide the behavior of market. It depicts grand blueprint of future development of China security and protecition industry, and leads the whole industry to go forward.
Involved in the construction of large scale security information systems including Command Center and Information &
Communication Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, Xinjiang Public Security Department and National Anti-terrorism
Intelligence Center. He presided over the development of a number of National and Provincial-level topics, and made positive
contributions to the establishment of Three-dimensional Social Security and Control system, Emergency Command System as
well as intelligence of Public Security Big Bata.
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